Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thank You Grandma Munns!

Fancy LoVeS her new hoodie.... Notice the cute little pocket & hood?!

She really does need it since it really does get like 20 degrees in the morning & it's only the begining!!!!!

She loves the leaves too. This will be the only baby we have for a long time so everyone knows that grandma Munns is going to spoil her just like all of her other granchildren!!

So... Thank You grandma Munns for her sweatshirt!!!!!! We love you!



Shelly Hyde said...

Oh Fancy Munns! She is going to give Cookie Quigley a run for her money!

laura said...

thanks i will try but nick doesn't like me taking pictures of him (neither does aidan but i bribe him) and nick won't take pics of me anymore because i never like them! lol