Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jordy's 1st VA Deer....

Forgive me for being a "backwards blogger".... I did put all of the pictures on out of order and I don't know how to move them! So.... Start from the bottom!

Gotta ♥ it.

And--I was cleaning the still body temperature meat...

Jordan's hunting and home teaching companion--FW Willis.

The kids were SO happy!! Josie loved the "bear"!! And don't let Duce and Jett's be too decieving! It really was FrEeZiNg!!!!!
Still in my pajamas!
It was 27 degrees!
The most talked about thing since football has been over(only like 5days)---here it is!
He went with a buddy and he shot one too!
This was as he was leaving to "blast and inialate a deer"--- he wasn't kidding...



laura said...

you better in your pjs than i normally do!