Saturday, January 31, 2009

Before ♥ After

Mom Munns was in town for a few days so I started our "t-shirt blanket" and some pillows.. Erika is making Duce and Jett their t-shirt blankets too.

It's finished!!! It's made out of mine and J's high school t-shirts... Erika had some fabric left from hers.... so we used it. It is so colorful, big, and comfortable!!

Up close---- I found the fabric at Wal Mart and added some stuff....

Before-just flat, boring, plain, green!

After! I've wanted pillows for a long time but the ones I like of course, are over a hundred... But I love these- ♥♥♥


kara jo haught said...

shanders i LOVE them!! GOOD JOB!!