Sunday, December 13, 2009

"buck fever"

This is my life... & I've adjusted quite well...

This is what comes sliding out of our freezer if you dare open it....

Jordan hunts at least 6-7 times a week--he has shot, killed, & "cleaned" 5 deer this season.
He is waiting very patiently for one of these beauties to come stumbling along...

This is an 11 point-one for the records! We saw trucks pulled over near our house & so we got in on the action--this is what every hunter in Buena Vista was drooling over... I must say, Jordan has great disiplin(his bow was in the backseat)! He did try to think over how he could get this guy somewhere where he can shoot it legally.-no hope this time!

This where the "cleaning" comes in.. I always get shafted into doing this part.(ruined my manicure that I had just got the night before)

We have venison for dinner about 4 night a week... saves on our grocery bill!