Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Our Trip Back to VA!

It may have been the worst day ever!
So. Our flight leaves at 8:30am. We get to the airport at about 6:45am. We are with the Anderson's so their are nine of us-each with a bag and carry on. We go to check in and they say that Jordan and Tyler aren't on our flight- changes were made or something... Miscommunication between Travelocity and Delta!!!!!!! We pay to get our husbands on the flight. Get everyone checked in. After we are trying to stuff things in eachother bags so that they would weigh 50pounds or less. We are now off to security. Jordan had a carry on and a personal item. I had Fancy as my carry on and my purse. They call Jordan aside to tell him they need to go through his carry on. O.K. As I was packing Jordan's carry on the night before I packed a bag with what I thought were batteries... which turned out to be AMMUNITION!!!!!! Yeah. So the FBI and Police and all kinds of security are on their way to interrogate Jordan. He will probably miss his flight. We are waiting to see what's going to happen... They tell us to go on. We get to our gate and everyone is boarding so for sure Jordan will miss the flight. And then all of a sudden I look and see this stud of a man running waving his hand at us! He made it--but barely!!!! Sounds like a good ending huh?! Not quite. Jordan now has a permanent record with the FBI and if anything sketchy happens again he get's an automatic 90 days. He has to be searched everytime he flies and the worst part (according to him) they KEPT the ammunition! Just when you think nothing else could happen Fancy swells up to about the size of Texas on our lay over! We are sure she is allergic to Cashews! And I can't forget that Josie threw up all over herself and Erika unannounced.
The good news-We are here safely-no harm to anyone physically.