Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Collin and Christine's Wedding!

Collin and Christine did it! We are so happy for them--Congratulations!! The wedding looked amazing... The outfits couldn't have been cuter!

The little girls... They wore the cutest outfits...

So... If your wondering why I am SO close to Tiffany... It's because I could hear kids screaming, people whistling, photographer directing, and a lot of people saying "squish together" or "get closer".... I was just following the directions and no one decided to tell me how I close I REALLY was!

Love the pictures on the dock.

Every single Munns boy is so handsome.... Especially the shortest on the right.♥

Christine was gorgeous!

The very last Munns to be married!!

The Munns Brothers were the part of the wedding...
