Wednesday, January 7, 2009

R. F. Munns Family Reunion 08'-09'

We had SO much fun at the Magnificent Munns family reunion! Thanks Mom and Dad Munns!
Here's how it went:
Wednesday Dec. 31st. Reunion Kick Off Bash
Vanessa kicks off the reunion!
We get our Magnificent Munns T-shirts.
Thai Dinner
Lakefront Fireworks!
Late night swim
Thursday Jan. 1st. Let the Games Begin!
Obstacle course.
Nail Driving
Softball Distance throw
Standing Broad Jump
Shot Put
Skeet shooting
Friday Jan. 2nd Service Project and Campout at the Ranch
Kids did a school bad service project(Guys help)
Girls sewing service project
Horseback riding and 5 star ranch
Animal Husbandry(Pregnancy testing cows!)
Fire Building
Big Girls PARTAY!
Saturday Jan. 3rd Fishing Tournament
Fishing Tournament
Talent show! Which was amazingly funny!! Some had some real talent...
Erika performed her Britney Spears "Womanizer"
Some told Jokes
Jordan threw me and I did a back flip.
Instrument playing
Mom drew and beautiful picture of one of Kate.
Dad--his talent was the production of everything!
Sunday Jan 4th "True to the Faith"
Closing Ceremonies.
Handing out of CD's with everyone's fav. songs.
A picture book of Dad's animals.
Happy Birthday EMILY and DECLAN!

All of the kids got balloons with their cute nicknames! This one is Goldie's-she really is a doll face!

Jordan and Kate♥

We got three ribbons. Other events didn't get ribbons that we also won.

Every night we met as a family in the front room to hear what Grandma and Go-dad had to say... Here our plans for the upcoming event... Listen to stories... Recieve awards...

The horses.. The kids loved horseback riding- so did Jordan and I!

The 2 that made this all possible!!

Jordan and Austin .aka. Russel P. Nelson

He's a cowboy at heart!
Fancy like playing too.. Can you spot her?

The guys played flag football one night. We just turned the trucks facing the front yard and turned on their lights.

Fancy also like to watch the fireworks

She was so relaxed during the fireworks...
Me and Tiffany♥
Me and Mom♥

Me and Christine♥

Me and Heather♥ (and Lilly)
Me and some guy♥ ? jk
Me and Shelly♥

Me and Kara♥

Me and Vanessa♥ (and Declan)

Me and Erika♥

Me and Emily♥

Jordan's Longjump! He won!

We had so much fun!! Thanks to everyone who helped and we will miss you all!


Linnea said...

Looks like so much fun! I forgot to say thanks for the fireworks show. I had a perfect view.

laura said...

i wonder if me and nick can be adopted into the family! that looks like so much fun!

kara jo haught said...

your a good girl for posting all this... im still waiting for my cds of all the pics.. really wish you were here!!!